What is special about the landscapes that are called the most Italian: Veduta and Capriccio
History did not preserve the name of the tourist that the first one wanted to take away from Italy a picturesque "postcard" in memory of the trip and thereby laid…

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"Love Letter" by Jan Vermeer
At the first glance at Jan Vermeer's famous painting “Love Letter”, the name seems far-fetched, because the letter itself is hardly noticeable. But the lute in the hands of a…

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Creativity for the Mentally Ill: A Book That Changed History
Sometimes you can hear such a statement that in order to create a masterpiece, you must be either a genius or a madman. Tarragon - the hero of the play…

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natural colors


Landscape (from FR. paysage – country area) – a genre of fine art where the main subject is nature.
As an independent genre landscape appeared in the VI century in Chinese art. Traditions of Chinese landscape painting have had a great influence on Japanese art.
In Europe, landscape as a separate genre appeared much later than in China and Japan. In the middle Ages, when only religious compositions had the right to exist, the landscape was treated by painters as a depiction of the habitat of the characters.
Gradually, the landscape went beyond other artistic genres. This was facilitated by the development of easel painting. In the creation of landscape genre played an important role masters of the Venetian school in the early XVI century. Continue reading

Watercolor (from Italia. aquarello) means painting with water based paints. There are several varieties of watercolor techniques: dry-painting on dry paper, with drying each layer of paint before applying the…


How to record music
Why might you need to record music, song, voice, sound in good quality at home? The reasons can be fundamentally different, from a simple desire to perpetuate a memorable event…


Cityscape is a genre of fine art in which the main subject of the image are city streets and buildings. In European art, the cityscape, as a separate genre of…
