What Censorship Looks Like at Christian College
For many centuries, it was religion that prompted brilliant people to create their masterpieces. It was during the construction of churches that architects revealed their talents, and most of the…

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What secret is hidden by the canvas "Cornflowers" by Igor Grabar
Igor Grabar is known not only as an art critic and restorer, but also as a talented impressionist artist. Under his leadership, the Tretyakov Gallery turned into a world-famous museum…

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What Censorship Looks Like at Christian College
For many centuries, it was religion that prompted brilliant people to create their masterpieces. It was during the construction of churches that architects revealed their talents, and most of the…

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Who are the model women who inspired great artists

“Model” – this word is involuntarily associated with the image of a sensual woman with a languid look and a gorgeous figure. In his memory immediately appear the masterpieces of the Renaissance, the outstanding canvases of the impressionists and surrealists … Posing for brilliant artists and sculptors, sitters were often not just an object for the image for them, but played a much more important, though not always unambiguous, role.

Margarita Luti
There is something paradoxical in that the image of the Sistine Madonna shining with chastity was created by Raphael with the participation of Margarita Luti – a woman who had a passionate, loving nature. Continue reading

The family of artists da Vezzo: How the artist was destined for an early death, and her husband – fame and a new marriage

The happiness of family life and the happiness of self-realization in one’s beloved business are eternal values ​​that existed back in the days of the Ottoman sultans and musketeer swords. True, what has become the norm in the modern world was once a rarity and a great success. Simon and Virginia Vue worked side by side, helping each other in creativity and at the same time enjoying family happiness – and this is an example as beautiful as short-lived.

Simon Vue and his steps to success

The fate and vocation of Simon Vue lined up quite predictably. Continue reading


Traditional Chinese painting of Go-Hua is considered to be close in spirit and the tools used to calligraphy.
In China, as a carrier of color used ink tiles, which are ground with water to the desired consistency, as well as water paints with mineral and vegetable pigments.
As the basis of the picture used silk, cotton fabric, sometimes paper. For the spraying of paints use brush from bamboo and wool household or wild animals.
The color scheme of traditional Chinese painting is laconic and consists of three or four restrained colors, rich tonal transitions of one color, usually the color of black ink. The white color of the sheet or fabric creates a conditional airspace and is the actual color, not the emptiness of an unpainted field. Continue reading

Ciphers, signs and self-portraits: How artists of the past signed their paintings
Not every masterpiece of painting contains the signature of the artist. There were reasons for this, both at the dawn of the Renaissance and in the modern era; they are…


Late happiness Luciano Pavarotti
When Luciano Pavarotti appeared on the stage, the audience froze in anticipation, and it seemed to every woman: he sings just for her. The great performer had many fans who…


10 paintings by great artists
Before the invention of photography, People kept the memory of various historical events in the paintings. Such paintings often romanticized the struggle or presented various scenes in a distorted form…
