Aesthetics and the importance of music in the history of human formation
Musical aesthetics exists more than the culture of music as an independent art form. Musical aesthetics was similar to labor, appropriation, submission of the unknown. It carried such functions as…

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What Censorship Looks Like at Christian College
For many centuries, it was religion that prompted brilliant people to create their masterpieces. It was during the construction of churches that architects revealed their talents, and most of the…

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Secrets of self-portraits of famous artists: Reflection in the mirror, portrait-bacon and other oddities
Self-portrait in most cases is an instrument of narcissism, an attempt to leave your image in eternity. But if a genius takes up the matter, his image on canvas can…

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halls and stadiums

Yuri Shatunov – 46: Is it true that the star of “Tender May” will no longer sing “White Roses”?

On September 6, the famous singer, former soloist of the band “Tender May” Yuri Shatunov celebrates his 46th birthday. In the mid-1980s he was the idol of millions of Soviet listeners, and today continues to tour, performing old hits and new songs, although his popularity cannot be compared with the excitement that White Roses caused 30 years ago. Recently it became known that the singer had surgery, and a few days ago there was information that Shatunov would never perform the hits of “Tender May” again. What really happened to the singer? Continue reading

Incorrigible stubborn: brilliant impressionist with a heavy character
Claude Monet is known as one of the founders of impressionism. The artist could magically convey on canvas the impressions of what he saw. Considering his paintings, full of appeasement,…


Dumas' Three Musketeers for Almost 175 Years: Masterpieces Illustrations Drawn in Different Years
Many in adolescence were read by the works of Alexander Dumas, and especially the novel “Three Musketeers”, filled with adventures and historical events of 1625-1628, as well as entertaining illustrations.…


Secrets of family happiness from star couples
Surely, every person entering into marriage hopes that his family will be strong and happy, and that the couple will live together for many years. But these hopes are not…
