How Pavel Tretyakov competed with the emperor
Before the revolution, patronage of the arts was considered not only charitable, but also beneficial for the donor himself, and the point here was not taxes at all. According to the ideas of merchants in the old days, this activity avoided the terrible temptation – the power of money. Most often, wealthy industrialists became patrons of shelters, hospitals, and educational institutions. At first, the partners and competitors laughed at the Tretyakov brothers’ passion for painting, but time, of course, put everything in its place.
Pavel and Sergey Tretyakov were the eldest children in a well-known merchant family. Continue reading
In the XVII century, a thematic or story picture was attributed to the high genre (grand genre) and called the genre.
The high genre included: allegorical, battle, epic, household, historical, mythological and religious genres.
In recent years, in Russia the concept of thematic picture is increasingly replaced by the term figurative.
Figurative began to be called not only the plot composition, but all the works, which depict human figures.
Figurative painting in the allegorical genre Allegorical genre (from Greek. allegoria-allegory) – a genre of fine art, in which a work of art is laid hidden and secret meaning. In this genre, ideas that are difficult to depict (for example, goodness, strength, power, justice, love, etc.) are shown allegorically through images of living beings, animals or human figures with attributes that historically have a symbolic, easy-to-read meaning. Continue reading