What is special about the landscapes that are called the most Italian: Veduta and Capriccio
History did not preserve the name of the tourist that the first one wanted to take away from Italy a picturesque “postcard” in memory of the trip and thereby laid the foundation for a whole direction in the visual arts. However, it is unlikely that such a lover of beauty was the only one – this country in the south of Europe would sooner or later seduce connoisseurs with its landscapes immortalized on canvas.
Translated from Italian, “Veduta” means “view”. This is a picture, drawing or engraving, which details the city landscape. In fact, Veduta is the prototype of photography, the golden rule of this genre is great accuracy. Therefore, the one who ordered the artist a city landscape really took home the memories of his journey. Continue reading
10 paintings by great artists
Before the invention of photography, People kept the memory of various historical events in the paintings. Such paintings often romanticized the struggle or presented various scenes in a distorted form to convey the horror experienced by our ancestors. Here are examples of the darkest and most disturbing paintings, which depict historical atrocities and disasters over the past 450 years. They perfectly reflect the horrors that happened many years ago.
1. Beating of infants (c. 1565-1567). Peter Brueghel the Elder
Bruegel, a Flemish Renaissance artist, based the plot of his painting on biblical history. The Jewish king Herod the Great, learning about the birth of a baby who will become the new king of ancient Israel and Judea, ordered to kill all the boys under the age of 2 years. Continue reading
Yuri Shatunov – 46: Is it true that the star of “Tender May” will no longer sing “White Roses”?
On September 6, the famous singer, former soloist of the band “Tender May” Yuri Shatunov celebrates his 46th birthday. In the mid-1980s he was the idol of millions of Soviet listeners, and today continues to tour, performing old hits and new songs, although his popularity cannot be compared with the excitement that White Roses caused 30 years ago. Recently it became known that the singer had surgery, and a few days ago there was information that Shatunov would never perform the hits of “Tender May” again. What really happened to the singer? Continue reading