Still life (with FR. nature morte-dead, inanimate nature) - artistic depiction of various household items. In the XV-XVI centuries still life was considered as part of a historical or genre…

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Aesthetics and the importance of music in the history of human formation
Musical aesthetics exists more than the culture of music as an independent art form. Musical aesthetics was similar to labor, appropriation, submission of the unknown. It carried such functions as…

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What Censorship Looks Like at Christian College
For many centuries, it was religion that prompted brilliant people to create their masterpieces. It was during the construction of churches that architects revealed their talents, and most of the…

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watercolor painting

Secrets of the Four Seasons
This year marks almost 430 years since the death of Giuseppe Arcimboldo, an Italian artist known for his original portraits of fruits, vegetables, flowers and fish. Giuseppe so skillfully portrayed…


FRESCO Fresco (derived from ital. fresco, literally-fresh) - one of the techniques of wall painting. The painting is written on raw plaster paints diluted in water. When dried, a film…


What secret is hidden by the canvas "Cornflowers" by Igor Grabar
Igor Grabar is known not only as an art critic and restorer, but also as a talented impressionist artist. Under his leadership, the Tretyakov Gallery turned into a world-famous museum…
