FRESCO Fresco (derived from ital. fresco, literally-fresh) - one of the techniques of wall painting. The painting is written on raw plaster paints diluted in water. When dried, a film…

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Works of fine art, mainly painting, are divided into genres. Depending on the subject image in the seventeenth century, the genres were divided into "high" (grand genre) and "low" genre…

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Traditional Chinese painting of Go-Hua is considered to be close in spirit and the tools used to calligraphy. In China, as a carrier of color used ink tiles, which are…

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Cityscape is a genre of fine art in which the main subject of the image are city streets and buildings.
In European art, the cityscape, as a separate genre of painting, appeared in the XVI century, thanks to the proto-vedutes of Paul Bril from Antwerp.
In the XVII century in Holland, the cityscape became widespread and became one of the favorite themes of Dutch artists.
In Italy in the XVIII century became very popular Veduta-a kind of cityscape. The most famous master of this genre was the artist Giovanni Antonio Canaletto. Along with Veduta, in the XVII-XVIII centuries, another kind of urban landscape was popular – Capriccio, which depicted architectural fantasies, mainly the ruins of fictional ancient buildings.
The heyday and new development of the painting genre cityscape marked the development of open-air landscape associated with the invention in the XIX century, the method of production of tube paints. The founder of the genre of cityscape in Russia was the artist Fyodor Yakovlevich Alekseev-the largest master of Russian Veduta.
In the USSR, a new kind of genre cityscape-industrial landscape, which depicts the romance of the restoration of the national economy, the construction of large industrial facilities. One of the founders of the industrial landscape direction is considered to be Konstantin Bogaevsky.

Architectural landscape-a landscape in which the artist pays the main attention to the image of architectural monuments in synthesis with the environment
Architectural landscape became widespread in the XVIII century.

To purchase paintings in the genre of Veduta
Veduta-a genre of Venetian painting of the XVIII century, which depicts the cityscape as a panorama, in compliance with the scale and proportions.
The great representative of this style in painting is the Venetian painter Antonio Canaletto (1697-1768).
In Russia, the ancestor of the architectural Veduta were painters F. ya. Alekseev, M. N. Vorobiev, SF Shchedrin.
Industrial landscape-the Soviet version of the genre cityscape, which depicts the romance of the restoration of the national economy, the construction of large industrial facilities.
One of the founders of the industrial landscape direction is considered to be Konstantin Bogaevsky.
Capriccio Harbor at dawn with fishermen, statue and views of the city. Marco Ricci
Capriccio (derived from ital. capriccio, literally-a whim, a whim) – a genre of urban landscape popular in the XVII – XVIII centuries-architectural landscape-fantasy with the ruins of fictional ancient buildings.
The most famous artists who wrote Capriccio: Francesco Guardi, Antonio Canaletto, Giovanni Paolo Panini, Marco Ricci, Giovanni Piranesi.
Landscape with Roman ruins. Paul Bril proto-Veduta (from Greek protos-the first, primary) – genre urban landscape, predecessor genre Veduta.
The most famous artist to paint the proto-Veduta was Paul Bril of Antwerp.
Urban landscape
Urban landscape-a cityscape that depicts modern megacities with large buildings and skyscrapers.

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