The family of artists da Vezzo: How the artist was destined for an early death, and her husband - fame and a new marriage
The happiness of family life and the happiness of self-realization in one's beloved business are eternal values ​​that existed back in the days of the Ottoman sultans and musketeer swords.…

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10 world famous paintings in which hidden symbols and messages are hidden
In the old days, when people were forbidden to express their opinions or beliefs publicly (or it was considered rude to publicize their true feelings), paintings and sculptures were a…

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People-birds, beautiful ladies and the joy of life
They worked in the harsh conditions of socialist realism, but paintings with farmers and tractors are not their style. Their paintings were crushed by bulldozers, not allowed to go to…

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Monthly Archives: February 2017


In the XVII century, a thematic or story picture was attributed to the high genre (grand genre) and called the genre.
The high genre included: allegorical, battle, epic, household, historical, mythological and religious genres.
In recent years, in Russia the concept of thematic picture is increasingly replaced by the term figurative.
Figurative began to be called not only the plot composition, but all the works, which depict human figures.

Figurative painting in the allegorical genre Allegorical genre (from Greek. allegoria-allegory) – a genre of fine art, in which a work of art is laid hidden and secret meaning. In this genre, ideas that are difficult to depict (for example, goodness, strength, power, justice, love, etc.) are shown allegorically through images of living beings, animals or human figures with attributes that historically have a symbolic, easy-to-read meaning. Continue reading


Works of fine art, mainly painting, are divided into genres.
Depending on the subject image in the seventeenth century, the genres were divided into “high” (grand genre) and “low” genre (petit genre). The” high “genre included the historical genre: battle, allegorical, religious and mythological; the” low ” – scenes from everyday life: portrait, landscape, still life, animalism.
Having become a form of representation of life, the genres of painting are not immutable, they develop together with life, changing with the development of art. Some genres die or acquire a new meaning (for example, Vanitas, Capriccio and Veduta), there are new, usually within the pre-existing (for example, within the landscape genre appeared cityscape, seascape and interior), and some are combined (now Nude, household, historical, mythological, allegorical, religious and battle genre is often replaced by the term figurative). Continue reading

How Russian artist Makovsky painted a portrait of the US president and opened the “Russian style” to Americans
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Western world discovered the Russian style. Sundresses, kokoshniks, furs and precious fabrics, boyars and feasts - this is exactly such Russia that…


Cityscape is a genre of fine art in which the main subject of the image are city streets and buildings. In European art, the cityscape, as a separate genre of…


What secret is hidden by the canvas "Cornflowers" by Igor Grabar
Igor Grabar is known not only as an art critic and restorer, but also as a talented impressionist artist. Under his leadership, the Tretyakov Gallery turned into a world-famous museum…
