The dramatic fate of Princess Tenisheva
June 1 (old style - May 20) marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding woman whose contribution to the development of Russian culture can hardly be overestimated.…

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Ciphers, signs and self-portraits: How artists of the past signed their paintings
Not every masterpiece of painting contains the signature of the artist. There were reasons for this, both at the dawn of the Renaissance and in the modern era; they are…

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Incorrigible stubborn: brilliant impressionist with a heavy character
Claude Monet is known as one of the founders of impressionism. The artist could magically convey on canvas the impressions of what he saw. Considering his paintings, full of appeasement,…

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laid hidden


Works of fine art, mainly painting, are divided into genres.
Depending on the subject image in the seventeenth century, the genres were divided into “high” (grand genre) and “low” genre (petit genre). The” high “genre included the historical genre: battle, allegorical, religious and mythological; the” low ” – scenes from everyday life: portrait, landscape, still life, animalism.
Having become a form of representation of life, the genres of painting are not immutable, they develop together with life, changing with the development of art. Some genres die or acquire a new meaning (for example, Vanitas, Capriccio and Veduta), there are new, usually within the pre-existing (for example, within the landscape genre appeared cityscape, seascape and interior), and some are combined (now Nude, household, historical, mythological, allegorical, religious and battle genre is often replaced by the term figurative). Continue reading

Aesthetics and the importance of music in the history of human formation
Musical aesthetics exists more than the culture of music as an independent art form. Musical aesthetics was similar to labor, appropriation, submission of the unknown. It carried such functions as…


How Russian artist Makovsky painted a portrait of the US president and opened the “Russian style” to Americans
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Western world discovered the Russian style. Sundresses, kokoshniks, furs and precious fabrics, boyars and feasts - this is exactly such Russia that…


Abstractionism (from lat. abstractio-removal, distraction) - art direction, refused to approximate the reality of the image of forms in painting and sculpture. One of the goals of abstractionism is to…
