Portrait (derived from FR. words portrait) - this artistic image of the human with transfer his domestic world. In the portrait, a person can be depicted chest-high, waist-high, hip-high, knee-high,…

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Byzantine female icons of Klimt
The popularity of Gustav Klimt can be envied by any artist and any man. It is safe to say that Gustav Klimt lived a happy life. From childhood, he was…

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How Pavel Tretyakov competed with the emperor
Before the revolution, patronage of the arts was considered not only charitable, but also beneficial for the donor himself, and the point here was not taxes at all. According to…

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suffer such a fate

10 paintings by great artists

Before the invention of photography, People kept the memory of various historical events in the paintings. Such paintings often romanticized the struggle or presented various scenes in a distorted form to convey the horror experienced by our ancestors. Here are examples of the darkest and most disturbing paintings, which depict historical atrocities and disasters over the past 450 years. They perfectly reflect the horrors that happened many years ago.

1. Beating of infants (c. 1565-1567). Peter Brueghel the Elder
Bruegel, a Flemish Renaissance artist, based the plot of his painting on biblical history. The Jewish king Herod the Great, learning about the birth of a baby who will become the new king of ancient Israel and Judea, ordered to kill all the boys under the age of 2 years. Continue reading

10 paintings by great artists
Before the invention of photography, People kept the memory of various historical events in the paintings. Such paintings often romanticized the struggle or presented various scenes in a distorted form…


Creativity for the Mentally Ill: A Book That Changed History
Sometimes you can hear such a statement that in order to create a masterpiece, you must be either a genius or a madman. Tarragon - the hero of the play…


Traditional Chinese painting of Go-Hua is considered to be close in spirit and the tools used to calligraphy. In China, as a carrier of color used ink tiles, which are…
