Portrait (derived from FR. words portrait) - this artistic image of the human with transfer his domestic world. In the portrait, a person can be depicted chest-high, waist-high, hip-high, knee-high,…

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"Love Letter" by Jan Vermeer
At the first glance at Jan Vermeer's famous painting “Love Letter”, the name seems far-fetched, because the letter itself is hardly noticeable. But the lute in the hands of a…

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Abstractionism (from lat. abstractio-removal, distraction) - art direction, refused to approximate the reality of the image of forms in painting and sculpture. One of the goals of abstractionism is to…

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animals and birds

Yuri Shatunov – 46: Is it true that the star of “Tender May” will no longer sing “White Roses”?

On September 6, the famous singer, former soloist of the band “Tender May” Yuri Shatunov celebrates his 46th birthday. In the mid-1980s he was the idol of millions of Soviet listeners, and today continues to tour, performing old hits and new songs, although his popularity cannot be compared with the excitement that White Roses caused 30 years ago. Recently it became known that the singer had surgery, and a few days ago there was information that Shatunov would never perform the hits of “Tender May” again. What really happened to the singer? Continue reading


Traditional Chinese painting of Go-Hua is considered to be close in spirit and the tools used to calligraphy.
In China, as a carrier of color used ink tiles, which are ground with water to the desired consistency, as well as water paints with mineral and vegetable pigments.
As the basis of the picture used silk, cotton fabric, sometimes paper. For the spraying of paints use brush from bamboo and wool household or wild animals.
The color scheme of traditional Chinese painting is laconic and consists of three or four restrained colors, rich tonal transitions of one color, usually the color of black ink. The white color of the sheet or fabric creates a conditional airspace and is the actual color, not the emptiness of an unpainted field. Continue reading

The dramatic fate of Princess Tenisheva
June 1 (old style - May 20) marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding woman whose contribution to the development of Russian culture can hardly be overestimated.…


Aesthetics and the importance of music in the history of human formation
Musical aesthetics exists more than the culture of music as an independent art form. Musical aesthetics was similar to labor, appropriation, submission of the unknown. It carried such functions as…


3 curious facts about famous works of art
Different people perceive works of art differently, and the viewer's point of view can radically differ from what the artist himself put into his work. And many famous paintings have…
