Dumas' Three Musketeers for Almost 175 Years: Masterpieces Illustrations Drawn in Different Years
Many in adolescence were read by the works of Alexander Dumas, and especially the novel “Three Musketeers”, filled with adventures and historical events of 1625-1628, as well as entertaining illustrations.…

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Portrait (derived from FR. words portrait) - this artistic image of the human with transfer his domestic world. In the portrait, a person can be depicted chest-high, waist-high, hip-high, knee-high,…

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What is the secret of the appeal of romances: The history of the genre from Spanish to cruel
Touching songs performed by Larisa Ogudalova, a dowager, are just one of the signs of the romance, if we take into account its entire history. But once upon a time…

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What is special about the landscapes that are called the most Italian: Veduta and Capriccio

History did not preserve the name of the tourist that the first one wanted to take away from Italy a picturesque “postcard” in memory of the trip and thereby laid the foundation for a whole direction in the visual arts. However, it is unlikely that such a lover of beauty was the only one – this country in the south of Europe would sooner or later seduce connoisseurs with its landscapes immortalized on canvas.

Translated from Italian, “Veduta” means “view”. This is a picture, drawing or engraving, which details the city landscape. In fact, Veduta is the prototype of photography, the golden rule of this genre is great accuracy. Therefore, the one who ordered the artist a city landscape really took home the memories of his journey. Continue reading

What is the secret of the appeal of romances: The history of the genre from Spanish to cruel

Touching songs performed by Larisa Ogudalova, a dowager, are just one of the signs of the romance, if we take into account its entire history. But once upon a time it began with other songs – both in terms of theme and method of performance. True, the main secret of the romance, which makes it so attractive for centuries, remains, perhaps, unchanged.

His predecessor has a rather distant relation to the usual idea of ​​romance – and the point is not only that the evolution of this vocal and musical genre has been going on for many centuries. In an attempt to clarify the history of the romance, musicologists turned to Spain in the XIV – XV centuries, when songs in the local dialect began to be heard both at the royal court and at festivities – in contrast to church psalms performed in Latin. It is believed that the kingdom of Aragon became the birthplace of the romance, from where these songs spread through Spain through the efforts of the troubadours. Continue reading

Late happiness Luciano Pavarotti

When Luciano Pavarotti appeared on the stage, the audience froze in anticipation, and it seemed to every woman: he sings just for her. The great performer had many fans who were ready for anything for the sake of Pavarotti’s supportive look alone. For many years he was married to Adua Veroni, but he never gave up on small romantic adventures. Everything changed when Luciano Pavarotti met his Nicoletta

Luciano Pavarotti met Adua Veroni in his teens. He dreamed of becoming a famous football player, but Adua, who was seriously engaged in vocals and saw how talented young Luciano, persuaded him to develop in this direction. Continue reading

Abstractionism (from lat. abstractio-removal, distraction) - art direction, refused to approximate the reality of the image of forms in painting and sculpture. One of the goals of abstractionism is to…


10 contemporary blind artists who surprised the world with their art
It will not be a revelation to anyone that painting is an exclusively visual form of art, therefore the phrase “blind artist” itself sounds like nonsense. But in fact, there…


Works of fine art, mainly painting, are divided into genres. Depending on the subject image in the seventeenth century, the genres were divided into "high" (grand genre) and "low" genre…
