How Russian artist Makovsky painted a portrait of the US president and opened the “Russian style” to Americans
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Western world discovered the Russian style. Sundresses, kokoshniks, furs and precious fabrics, boyars and feasts - this is exactly such Russia that…

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Incorrigible stubborn: brilliant impressionist with a heavy character
Claude Monet is known as one of the founders of impressionism. The artist could magically convey on canvas the impressions of what he saw. Considering his paintings, full of appeasement,…

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How to record music
Why might you need to record music, song, voice, sound in good quality at home? The reasons can be fundamentally different, from a simple desire to perpetuate a memorable event…

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group of people

“The Invisible Artist”, which creates paintings on people, like on canvases

Since today many acts of civil protest in China remain strictly prohibited, a well-known Chinese artist-photographer, master of the original creative camouflage of people, Liu Bolin invented a unique technique for expressing one’s own opinion and view on pressing problems of society. Working with his team of professionals, Bolin seems to dissolve himself and his employees in space, merging with the environment, which emphasizes that modern man is invisible and of little significance to government structures and those in power.

He, with the help of his assistants, fits organically into both urban and natural landscapes, as well as supermarkets and various works of art. Bolin as a canvas can stand, without moving, in one place for several hours against a selected background, while his assistants paint it from head to toe, trying to mix it with the environment. Continue reading

"The Invisible Artist", which creates paintings on people, like on canvases
Since today many acts of civil protest in China remain strictly prohibited, a well-known Chinese artist-photographer, master of the original creative camouflage of people, Liu Bolin invented a unique technique…


Traditional Chinese painting of Go-Hua is considered to be close in spirit and the tools used to calligraphy. In China, as a carrier of color used ink tiles, which are…


FRESCO Fresco (derived from ital. fresco, literally-fresh) - one of the techniques of wall painting. The painting is written on raw plaster paints diluted in water. When dried, a film…
