What is the significance of music when considering various areas of our lives
Music is a significant part of the cultures of different countries and peoples. The tremendous importance of musical culture is obvious. Without even thinking about the degree of this significance…

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Yuri Shatunov - 46: Is it true that the star of “Tender May” will no longer sing “White Roses”?
On September 6, the famous singer, former soloist of the band "Tender May" Yuri Shatunov celebrates his 46th birthday. In the mid-1980s he was the idol of millions of Soviet…

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Traditional Chinese painting of Go-Hua is considered to be close in spirit and the tools used to calligraphy. In China, as a carrier of color used ink tiles, which are…

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“The Invisible Artist”, which creates paintings on people, like on canvases

Since today many acts of civil protest in China remain strictly prohibited, a well-known Chinese artist-photographer, master of the original creative camouflage of people, Liu Bolin invented a unique technique for expressing one’s own opinion and view on pressing problems of society. Working with his team of professionals, Bolin seems to dissolve himself and his employees in space, merging with the environment, which emphasizes that modern man is invisible and of little significance to government structures and those in power.

He, with the help of his assistants, fits organically into both urban and natural landscapes, as well as supermarkets and various works of art. Bolin as a canvas can stand, without moving, in one place for several hours against a selected background, while his assistants paint it from head to toe, trying to mix it with the environment. Continue reading

10 world famous paintings in which hidden symbols and messages are hidden
In the old days, when people were forbidden to express their opinions or beliefs publicly (or it was considered rude to publicize their true feelings), paintings and sculptures were a…


Secrets of self-portraits of famous artists: Reflection in the mirror, portrait-bacon and other oddities
Self-portrait in most cases is an instrument of narcissism, an attempt to leave your image in eternity. But if a genius takes up the matter, his image on canvas can…


The dramatic fate of Princess Tenisheva
June 1 (old style - May 20) marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding woman whose contribution to the development of Russian culture can hardly be overestimated.…
